Ingredients & Material:
2 cone-shaped plastic bags
1 serving hot chocolate mix (we used cadbury's hot chocolate mix)
2 tbsp mini marshmallows
1 red pom pom ball
2 googly eyes
1 brown pipe cleaner
thin red rope
hot glue gun
rubber bands or plastic ties
small jingle bell
Pour hot cocoa mix into piping bag, pushing it all the way to the tip.
Tightly close the bag using a rubber band or a plastic tie. Cut off the top of the piping bag at approximately 1 cm from the top of the plastic tie.
Put the bag of hot cocoa into another piping bag. Make sure that the sides of the piping bags are aligned. Fold the excess plastic of the inside bag down.
Add a layer of marshmallows.
Pinch the top of the bag and tightly close with a plastic tie.
Using the hot glue gun, glue the wiggly eyes near the top of the hot cocoa mix. Glue the pom pom near the tip of the bag, to make Rudolph's nose.
Wrap the pipe cleaner around and shape into antlers.
Weave the red rope through the jingle bell and make a double knot.
Weave the red rope through the ribbon.
Tie the ribbon into a bow.

#zaaralinacookingclub #kidchef #malteserecipes #healthyfood #mediterrraneancuisine #malta #makingmemories #funinthekitchen #christmas #ediblegifts #rudolphhotchocolate #hotchocolate #marshmallows